Anglicism, English language influence, linguistic and extralinguistic reasons of borrowings, donor language, recipient languageAbstract
The article focuses on the problem of using of direct lexical borrowings from English in German press publications. The author analyses the peculiarities of the process of Anglicisms’ adaptation in Present-Day German. By now, English has become almost the only source of borrowings in German. There are many direct lexical Anglicisms, which have infiltrated the German language. The paper explores the problem of English language influence on the modern German language. The views of famous linguists on this problem are analyzed. Special attention has been devoted to the analysis of the issues concerning the process of borrowings from English and the phenomena accompanied. The characteristic of direct lexical English borrowings in the German language is given. The peculiarities of Anglicisms’ use in modern German language were analyzed. The article observes the use of Anglicisms in the German press (in major German newspapers and magazines) over a
four-years period, between December 2010 and December 2014. The aspects of their functioning have been dealt with.
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