communicative culture, formation of communicative culture, higher technical educational institution, extracurricular workAbstract
The essence of the concept of “communicative culture” and its importance in the training of engineers in technical higher educational institutions in the process of extracurricular work are revealed in the article. The content of extracurricular work in the training of engineers in modern technical higher educational institution is analyzed. The components of extracurricular work and their characteristics are clarified and specified. The conditions of the educational environment that influence the development of students’ communicative culture are described. The factors that affect the efficiency of extracurricular work in higher technical educational institutions are identified. Traditional and interactive methods that are effective in the formation of communicative culture of future engineers are singled out. The conditions of educational environment that influence the students’ development and the means of improving the quality of training and education of future specialists are examined. Extracurricular work is pointed out as an important factor of formation of the communicative culture of students. The formation of communicative culture which is directed to the development of students' communicative literacy, competence and system of values, their morally spiritual world and stimulus of motivation to self-perfection are reflected in the article.
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