media education, media educational technologies, media educational approach, media educational environmentAbstract
The article deals with the currently important issue of media educational technologies use in training students in higher education institutions. The terms “media education”, “media educational technologies”, “media educational environment” are clarified. The basic goal of the implementation of media educational technologies in the educational process is determined. It includes the training of qualified audience for media, capable to use the cognitive potential of informational activity related to the accumulation, analytical and synthetic processing, creation and exchange of information as well as the development of highly qualified and creative personality, ready to acquire the knowledge during his lifetime independently, quickly adapting to changes in the information-saturated environment. The article is also focused on defining the most optimal way of preparation of students with the help of media educational technologies. The usage of media educational technologies leads to the formation of new models of learning, considerably expands and diversifies the learning content, methods and organizing forms of the educational process. Special attention is paid to the main features and characteristics of global, regional, individual media environments. The experience of the scientists suggesting the different ways of formation of media educational environment is analysed. The aim, conditions and main principles of formation of higher school’s media educational environment are determined.
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